Thursday, October 30, 2008

Too sad to get angry about

So here we are down to the wire and my guys are ahead, which means that the conservative machine is getting more shrill and slanderous. Now these jerks have come up with so called evidence that Barak's birth certificate is not legitimate, among other lies. These people that email this kind of idiocy around never once stop to think that if any of this was true, that their own conservative journalists (the ones who are true intellects like George Will) would have uncovered this a long time ago. They never stop to ponder why David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, George Will, Chris Buckley, Colin Powell and the list of thinking conservatives goes on -- endorse Obama. They never question why this kind of evil blather comes from the other side, while the mainstream and the Democrats refrain from these kinds of slanderous lies and attacks. I'm on a lot of liberal list servs and never do I get this kind of nonsense from my side. Rather, these folks who will not hear, nor thoughtfully consider these facts, listen to the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh and worse. These are propogandists. And, once again, a chilling thought occurs to me. I am living through what probably happened in pre-WW II Germany. The parallels are eerie. My fervent prayer is that the thinking conservatives can help to purge their side of these dangerous loonies. They make me very, very afraid for our country. Over and out.

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