Friday, September 26, 2008

What happened to my country??

So, here we are in a near financial meltdown. And this is whose fault? Who has been in charge of this country and economy for the past 8 years? And now we get to bail out the people who contributed to this mess. Let me get this straight. If I screw up at work, I get fired. If I am the head of Fannie or Freddie or all the investment banks that are in death throes, the American taxpayers bail me out.
It is so sad, really. We wasted all this money and lives on a war that was not necessary, started by people who lied to us; went from a surplus to a deficit and now the policies of the Bush bunch have us on the brink of financial Armagedon. And what will we use for money to bail us out? We will borrow. What will be decimated because we have no money to fund them -- NIH, NIMH, CDC, EPA, FDA, education, health care, social security? The legacy of the Bushies will be felt long after everyone forgets that arrogant jerk and his condescending smirk.
When I came to the states in the 1950s, it was a land of opportunity and times were good. We had moral direction, people respected the U.S. around the world. My parents would not recognize what has become of it.
Now Sarah Palin may be our next prez, if the wrinkly white haired dude kicks it. Omigod, the interview with Katy Couric was just plain embarrassing. I don't like Couric that well -- news reporter lite is what I call her -- but she is bright. She could barely keep it together talking with this empty suit. Empty suit. A fine metaphor for what has become of the greatest country in the world. Michael Moore ---- HELP!

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