Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sarah Palin

I saw some Einstein tell a CBS news reporter that she was going to vote for Palin and how much she liked her. He, in turn, asked if she knew where Osama Bin Palin stood on the issues -- you know, those that go beyond her cute glasses and pregnant daughter. This dweeb admitted that she did not. I, as an informed voter wanted to know, and thereby distance myself from the Einsteins of this ilk. So, I watched Sarah Palin's interview with that twit, Charlie Gibson, the same twit that let some genius make an issue out of Obama's lapel pin. Here's what I gleaned: 1) She avoided answering any questions substantively, 2) She has a testy nasty streak that came through when pushed the slightest to answer a question, 3) That characteristic is a good fit with her running mate, who also has a nasty testy streak that comes out when he is challenged, 4) Gibson was too much of a woos to say: " Hey lady, ya ain't answering my questions.", and 5) She would make a great hawker on QVC or HSN. Why you might ask?
Well, one of the things that has fascinated me about those shopping shows (besides how anyone with above a room temperature IQ can watch them) is how much verbiage the hawkers can emit. Imagine waxing poetic on and on about the qualities of a cubic zirconium! It takes real talent to produce that many words and not say a hell of a lot. That's Palin.

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